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suggest a maketing strategy.

You mention in the giveaway comments that if anyone has a product that they are unsure if its DLNA compatible, to ask you n you will look t up. If you have access to that info then create a website where people can look it up themselves.
Then just market you're product on that page. Also making sure it covers "What is DLNA"

Add links on facebook etc like "Are your products already compatible with the tech of tomorrow. Why buy new expensive tech u don't need? Find out if your devices are already DLNA compatible.

Have the link take them to an easy to use searchable product database. And have ads that say Why spend hundreds to thousands on new tech? For just $30 our program will let you do the same thing with many products u may already own.
Other ads: "Why pay expensive monthly frees for cable/satellite that offer wireless sharing of you media to anywhere in your house when you may already own the products to do it yourself." Links to your product-list site n an offer for your product which saves them paying monthly fees.

N you could incorporate Netflix instant watch offers into your program n instead of just sharing their media, its a supper-cheap actual alternative to cable/satellite.
You could also integrate a torrent search/down-loader so they can find their favorite current tv shows online.

Adam Murphy , 21.09.2012, 15:22
Idea status: under consideration


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